Monday, May 18, 2009

The "Before" Photos

Unfortunately, I didn't quite get the real before shots. These pictures were taken after part of the garden was weeded/hacked out, and after a lot of disgusting carpet was removed.

front of the house

garage looks lovely in this picture,
but actually has a lot of brick, stone, garbage, wire to be picked up

a quick drawing of the floor plan so the next few pictures will make more sense

living room: hardwood, but very stained and gluey

looking into the kitchen from the living room

kitchen (laundry hookup is in kitchen)



Currently Nick is working on the living room floor, and I am working on the bathroom. We are both pretty excited to get this place looking good. Structurally it is sound, and all of the repair is largely cosmetic. So, we should be able to have it looking good in no time :-)...or at least in a couple of months. We're hoping to have it ready to rent in August.


  1. what an exciting project...can't wait to see the results! what year was it built? we've redone a couple of fun!

  2. Anit, I LOVE the bathroom!!! :0) I don't know if you've ever seen my parents old bathroom before it was redone, but it was pretty much identical to that, only i think the tiles were lime green... I can't wait to see the creative touch you put into this home :)

  3. Nice work Nick and Anita, I'm sure it will turn out great!

  4. Wow, what a fun project! Looks like a lot of work, but it's nice that you don't have to live in it while you're working on it - at least you can go home at the end of the day to your nice cozy house. Can't wait to see some progress pictures!

  5. Thanks for all the comments!

    Kerry, the house was built in the early fifties.

    Kate, we are keeping that crazy pink tile. :-) It's all in great shape and actually adds value to the house since it is original 50s stuff. I ordered a black and white wallpaper for the walls (above the tile) and I can't wait until it comes in and I can put it up!

    Jannyne, coming home to my house (even if it is very untidy) is a very good feeling after working in the bugs, grime and less than fresh air all day!! :-)
