Monday, June 8, 2009

Pink and Black Bathroom

Nick and I have been working on the bathroom floor. He replaced the wood in the rotten spot, and I have been laying new flooring. We are quite happy with the results. The bathroom looks a little funky, but SO much cleaner, and the black and white flooring looks great with the black and pink walls. I can't wait until the wallpaper comes in (it's on back order and we can't get it until June 26), and I can't wait to put it up (do you want to help, Sarah F. ? :-))

view from down the hall

(please excuse the dirty tub and the tools in it!)


  1. That is the most awesome bathroom ever! I love it! I love the fact that you kept it retro and didn't try to change it, etc. Have you seen this website? They have great inspirations.
